
相田英男 投稿日:2019/09/06 07:31



GE investigates new wind turbine collapse in Brazil

By Luciano Costa
Reuters September 6, 2019

SAO PAULO, Sept 5 (Reuters) – General Electric Co is investigating the cause of another accident involving wind power equipment it built and installed on a wind farm in Brazil operated by power company Omega, the two companies said on Thursday.
SAO PAULO、9月5日(ロイター)-General Electric Coは、電力会社オメガが運営するブラジルの風力発電所に建設し、設置した、風力発電設備に関する別の事故の原因を調査していると、両社は木曜日に述べた。

On Tuesday, a GE wind turbine fell to the ground from its tower at the Delta 6 wind farm in Brazil’s northern Maranhao state. A worker is being treated for injuries.
火曜日に、ブラジルのマランハオ州北部にある、風力発電所のデルタ6で、GEの風力タービンの一基がタワーから地面に倒壊した。 労働者の一人が怪我の治療を受けている。

Two months ago another turbine made by GE collapsed in Brazil when its tower broke in half. There have been three such collapses of GE wind turbines in the United States this year.
2か月前、GE製の別のタービンがブラジルで崩壊し、タワーの高さが半分になった。 今年になり米国では、GE製風力タービンのこのような3つの崩壊事故があった。

“We are working to contain and solve these problems as soon as possible to guarantee the safety and reliability of our equipment,” GE’s Brazilian unit said in reply to a request for comment by Reuters.

“We are working to find the causes behind the accident,” GE said, adding that it was giving assistance to the worker injured in the accident and his family.

Omega said it was working with GE to discover the cause of the accident.

RDS Energia, a Brazilian consultancy that develops wind farm projects, said this type of accident was unusual, since towers and turbines are designed to resist winds of up to 300 km (186 miles) per hour.
風力発電プロジェクトを開発する、ブラジルのコンサルタント会社であるRDS Energiaは、このタイプの事故は珍しいと語った。なぜなら、タワーとタービンは時速300 km(186マイル)までの風に耐えるように設計されているからだ。

RDS head Rodrigo Nereu dos Santos said a repeat of such accidents could have an impact on GE’s image and potentially hurt its chances in future tenders to supply equipment.

GE has sold more than 3,000 turbines for wind farms in Brazil, accounting for around 5.5 gigawatts of generating capacity. Brazil has currently 15 gigawatts in wind power capacity, accounting for about 9% of its electricity generation.
GEは、ブラジルの風力発電所向けに3,000台以上のタービンを販売し、約5.5ギガワットの発電能力を占めている。 ブラジルの風力発電容量は現在15ギガワットで、国家の総発電量の約9%を占めている。

(Reporting by Luciano Costa; writing by Marcelo Teixeira Editing by Tom Brown)