
相田英男 投稿日:2019/02/14 19:18







GE wins most 2018 gas turbine orders; Mitsubishi wins on new technology: report

Reuters February 13, 2019
By Alwyn Scott

NEW YORK (Reuters) – General Electric Co booked the most orders for electricity-generating gas turbines in 2018 but fell to second place for the largest and most advanced machines, behind Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems, according to a closely watched report seen by Reuters and people familiar with the matter.

Demand for gas turbines has been tumbling since 2011, stoking fierce competition for deals and prompting manufacturers to slash jobs and close factories. GE is in the midst of a multi-year restructuring of its power business, which lost $808 million last year.
2011年以降のガスタービンの需要は大きく変動した。受注競争は激化し、メーカーは雇用の削減や工場の閉鎖も余儀なくされた。 GEは、電力事業の再編に見舞われ、昨年だけで8億800万ドルのリストラによる損失を計上した。

The latest rankings show Mitsubishi won 41 percent of the orders last year for turbines that can produce 100 megawatts or more, compared with 28 percent for GE and 25 percent for Siemens AG, according to McCoy Power Reports data.
McCoy Powerレポートのデータによると、昨年の100メガワット以上の大型ガスタービンの受注では、三菱(MHPS)のシェアが41%となり、28%のGEと25%のシーメンスを抑えてトップに立った。

Among newest-generation turbines, known as “post F-class,” MHPS got 49 percent of orders, compared with 34 percent for GE and 16 percent for Siemens, the data shows.

Orders for the most advanced turbines have dwindled along with the entire market, even though they churn out the most electricity per unit of fuel burned. GE suffered a high-profile breakdown with one of its advanced turbines in Texas last year, and warned it may spend $480 million on repairs for the global fleet.
最先端のタービンの近年の受注量は、単位あたり電力の発生に必要な燃料の消費を最大限に抑えるメリットにもかかわらず、市場全体と共に減少する傾向にある。 GEの開発した先進的なタービンでは、昨年、テキサスの発電所で大規模な故障が生じ、世界中の同型機タービンの修理には、4億8000万ドルを費やす可能性がある。

GE last year held onto its longtime top spot when all orders were counted.

The rankings show GE dominated orders for older-technology F-class turbines and that it had an overall tally of 33 percent of orders by capacity, compared with 31 percent for MHPS and 26 percent for Siemens.

GE is “proud to the leader … as it has been every year since 2010,” spokeswoman Kirstin Carvell said. Siemens did not immediately respond to requests for comment.
Mitsubishi said in a statement on Tuesday that its ranking largely reflected orders for its new J-Series turbine, which the company said has greater than 64 percent efficiency and 99.5 percent reliability.
GE広報担当者のKirstin Carvellは、「2010年から毎年、タービン受注シェアのリーダーであることを、GEは誇りに思っている」と述べた。 シーメンスはコメントの要請に即答しなかった。三菱は火曜日の声明の中で、「そのランク付けの結果は、大きくは、我々が開発した64パーセント以上の効率と99.5パーセントの信頼性を持つ、新型のJシリーズタービンの受注を反映している」と語った

(Reporting by Alwyn Scott; Editing by Dan Grebler)


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