GE shares fall on Madoff whistleblower calling its finances a fraud
Alwyn Scott, Ankit Ajmera
AUGUST 15, 2019 / 9:11 PM
(Reuters) – General Electric Co (GE.N) shares fell as much as 15% on Thursday after fraud investigator Harry Markopolos, who blew the whistle on Bernard Madoff’s Ponzi scheme, said GE was concealing deep financial problems, prompting a sharp rebuke from GE’s new CEO.
(ロイター)-ゼネラル・エレクトリック社の株式は、木曜日(8月15日)に15%も下落した。バーナード・マドフのポンツィ・スキームを告発した事で有名となった、金融詐欺捜査官のハリー・マルコポロスが、「GEは深刻な財政問題を隠している」と述べたために。 マルコポロスの発言に対し、GEの新しいCEOは激しく非難した。
Chief Executive Officer Larry Culp said Markopolos’ 175-page report contained factual errors and constituted “market manipulation – pure and simple,” because Markopolos stood to profit from short-selling tied to its release.
GEの最高経営責任者であるラリー・カルプは、「マルコポロスの175ページのレポートには事実誤認があり、“ 市場操作 − あまりに純粋で単純な ” に過ぎない」と主張した。なぜなら、マルコポロスは彼の発表に関連して、GE株を空売して利益を得ていたからだ。
Short sales, or bets that a share price will fall, have risen 17% in GE stock over the past month to 110 million shares worth about $995 million before the report came out Thursday, said Matthew Unterman, a director at S3 Partners, a financial analytics firm in New York.
In the report http://www.gefraud.com, Markopolos accused GE of hiding $38 billion in potential losses and asserted that the company’s cash and debt positions were far worse than it had disclosed.
“GE’s true debt to equity ratio is 17:1, not 3:1, which will undermine its credit status,” Markopolos said.
The report also says GE is insolvent and asserts that its industrial units have a working capital deficit of $20 billion.
“He is selectively front-running widely reported regulatory processes and rigorous investigations without the benefit of any access to GE’s books and records,” GE board member and audit committee chair Leslie Seidman said in a statement, referring to Markopolos.
While investors sent GE shares sharply lower, the report echoes the assertions of some of Wall Street’s more skeptical analysts, who have long raised alarms about GE’s low cash flow, frequent accounting charges and writedowns, and what they describe as opaque financial reports.
Culp, the first outside leader of the company who took over in October, has made no secret of its woes.
The industrial businesses have seen a $2.2 billion cash outflow so far this year, and Culp said last month that GE may incur cash costs of $1.4 billion this year from the grounding of Boeing Co’s (BA.N) 737 MAX jetliner. GE makes engines for the jet through a joint venture with Safran SA (SAF.PA) of France.
GEの産業機器部門は、今年になり22億ドルの現金流出を経験した。カルプは先月、ボーイング社(BA.N)737 MAXジェット旅客機の飛行停止により、GEは今年14億ドルの現金費用を負担する可能性があると述べた。 GEは、フランスのサフランSAとの合弁会社を通じて、このジェット旅客機用のエンジンを製造している。
The report alleges that GE faces $38 billion in future expenses that it has not disclosed. “GE’s $38 billion in accounting fraud amounts to over 40% of GE’s market capitalization, making it far more serious than either the Enron or WorldCom accounting frauds,” the report says.
マルコポロスの報告書は、GEが開示していない将来の費用として、380億ドルの負担に直面していると主張している。 「GEの380億ドルの会計詐欺は、GEの時価総額の40%を超えており、エンロンまたはワールドコムの会計詐欺よりもはるかに深刻だ」と報告書は述べている。
In a statement GE said, “We remain focused on running our business every day and … will not be distracted by this type of meritless, misguided and self-serving speculation.”
GE said it “stands behind its financials” and operates to the “highest-level of integrity” in its financial reporting.
It also said Markopolos was known to work for unnamed hedge funds that typically benefit from short-selling a company’s stock.
A disclaimer in the report stated that it was drafted by Forensic Decisions PR LLC, which will get compensation from a third-party entity that could benefit from a decline in GE’s share price. The report did not name the entity.
マルコポロスのレポートの免責事項によると、Forensic Decisions PR LLC(という会社)が起草したものであり、GEの株価が下落した際に利益を得ることができる第三者組織から、マルコポロスは報酬を受け取ると述べている。 レポートはその組織の名前を明らかにしていない。
Speaking on CNBC on Thursday, Markopolos said he would receive a percentage of any profits generated by the report. He declined to provide details about the compensation or name the fund involved, which he said was “a mid-sized U.S. hedge fund.”
木曜日にCNBCの取材でマルコポロスは、彼のレポートによって生み出された利益の一部を受け取るだろうと述べた。 彼は補償内容の詳細を提供することも、関与するファンドの名前を語ることもしなかった。彼は「とある中規模の、米国のヘッジファンド」だと語った。
GE shares closed down 11.3% at $8.01 on Thursday, its biggest one-day percentage drop since April 2008.
A regulatory filing showed CEO Culp bought GE shares worth nearly $2 million in open market purchase at an average price of $7.93 per share. In the past two years, GE has announced more than $40 billion in asset writedowns and accounting charges. The company also has said its accounting is being investigated by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and the Department of Justice.
規制当局に提出された資料から、CEOカルプは1株あたり平均$ 7.93の価格で、200万ドル近くのGE株を公開市場で購入したことがわかった。 過去2年間で、GEは400億ドルを超える資産評価減と会計費用を発表した。 同社はまた、GEの会計状況が米国証券取引委員会と司法省によって調査されていると述べた。
The report details GE’s exposure to long-term care insurance, the subject of a federal class-action lawsuit awaiting a decision on GE’s motion to dismiss.
マルコポロスのレポートは、GEの長期介護保険 (現在GEによる解約手続き決定に関して、民事集団訴訟の裁定中である)に関するエクスポージャー(価格変動リスクにさらされている金融資産の割合)について、詳しく説明してる。
It says GE’s financial statements about its insurance business do not correspond to those of eight insurers that Markopolos says hold about 95% of GE’s exposure.
Markopolos is best known for alerting regulators in the early 2000s to signs that money manager Madoff’s investment firm was a Ponzi scheme, a deception in which unusually high returns for early investors are generated with money from later investors. Madoff was arrested in 2008 and later sentenced to 150 years in prison.
マルコポロスは、マドフがマネージャーを務めていた投資会社が、ポンツィ・スキームであったという兆候を、2000年代初めに規制当局に警告したことで有名である。 マドフは2008年に逮捕され、その後150年の刑を宣告された。
John Hempton, co-founder of the Sydney, Australia-based Bronte Capital hedge fund, wrote in a blog post here on Thursday that GE’s 14.7% average profit margin in recent years was in line with the returns of its industrial peers, not “too good to be true” as Markopolos alleges.
“GE remains the unequivocal leader” in medical imaging and jet engines and its currently depressed profit margin will likely rebound, he wrote, adding, “Harry’s report is silly. The market should ignore it.”
「GEは今後も、医療画像およびジェットエンジンの明確なリーダーであり続け、現在落ち込んでいる利益率が回復する可能性が高い」と、彼は書いた。「ハリーの報告書は馬鹿げている。 市場はそれを無視すべきだ。」と続けた。
Worried investors jangled phones on Wall Street Thursday. Nick Heymann, an analyst at William Baird & Co, said questions focused on $18.5 billion of the $38 billion in charges that Markopolos says GE is concealing.
心配になった投資家達は、木曜日にウォール街を多くの電話により混乱させた。 William Baird&Coのアナリストのニック・ヘイマンは、マルコポロスがGEが隠蔽していると主張する380億ドルの費用のうち、185億ドルに焦点を当てた疑問を語った。
Markopolos said GE will need to set aside that money to cover its long-term care policies in addition to the $15 billion it has already begun to set aside.
Heymann said the remainder of the $38 billion was already largely known: charges related to an accounting rule change coming in 2021 and potential losses on GE’s 50.4% stake in subsidiary Baker Hughes, which it plans to sell.
“I don’t know the validity of the $18.5 billion,” Heymann said. “I’m trying to figure it out.”
But he said if the figure was accurate, Culp would not have recently raised GE’s 2019 financial targets.
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