下の朝日新聞の図に出ているのは文科省の4月5日頃のデータですが、平均の値は、浪江町赤宇木(最も放射線が強い地域)で平均6万6200ベクレル/kg 飯舘村八木沢で平均3万3288ベクレル/kg、平方メートルあたりにする時は20倍程度ですと、それぞれ約130万ベクレル/平方メートル、70万ベクレル/平方メートル程度にしかなりません。
同じ内容の別の記事を下にはり付けますが、書き方がちがって、タイトルは「Japan eyes Fukushima plant as nuclear fuel graveyard」。意訳すれば「日本は福島原発を核廃棄物最終処分場としてみている」です。storage siteがnuclear fuel graveyardに変わっているわけです。
この文の中には「世界には27万トンの核廃棄物のうち90%はプールに格納してある(90 percent of the world’s 270,000 tons of used nuclear fuel is kept at reactor sites buried in 7-meter (23-foot) pools similar to those at Fukushima)」とか「福島県の高官はこのことについて何も知らない(Local Fukushima authorities said they are not aware of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan’s proposal to convert the damaged plant into a nuclear fuel graveyard)」との文章があります。
Japan eyes Fukushima plant as nuclear fuel graveyard
Source: (AHN) Reporter: Vittorio Hernandez
Location: Tokyo, Japan Published: May 27, 2011 06:12 am EDT
The Atomic Energy Society of Japan plans to make the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant a storage site for radioactive waste.
The crippled plant would be an ideal nuclear fuel graveyard because building a new one would cost several million yen, according to Muneo Morokuzu, professor of energy and environmental public policy at the University of Tokyo.
Morokuzu is one of 50 people on a cleanup panel involved with discussions on the Fukushima plant cleanup and construction of a nuclear waste facility. He said the building of a nuclear waste storage facility at the Fukushima site is one option, although it could take at least 10 years to construct one.
Tokyo Electric Power, operator of the Fukushima Daiichi plant, would need about five years to complete decontamination work at the reactors, including the removal of hydrogen to prevent explosions.
Japan has three storage facilities for highly radioactive waste. These are at the northern tip of Honshu at Rokkasho and Sekinahama at the Aomori Prefecture, and at Tokai in Ibaraki Prefecture. These facilities, however, are for intermediary use. Japan still needs to find a deep underground storage site for its nuclear fuel waste.
According to the World Nuclear Association, 90 percent of the world’s 270,000 tons of used nuclear fuel is kept at reactor sites buried in 7-meter (23-foot) pools similar to those at Fukushima.
Local Fukushima authorities said they are not aware of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan’s proposal to convert the damaged plant into a nuclear fuel graveyard.
Japan’s nuclear crisis has led the nation to rewrite its nuclear policy. Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan said on Wednesday that Tokyo will veer away from nuclear energy and rely more on natural sources of electricity. ‘
Although Japanese officials are still reviewing from zero the country’s basic energy plan, this early Kan has set a target of sourcing 20 percent of the nation’s electricity from renewable sources in the 2020s from its current 1 percent contribution. Prior to the March 11 earthquake, which triggered the Fukushima nuclear accident, Japan relied on nuclear power for 30 percent of its electricity and planned to hike it to 50 percent by 2030.
To achieve the energy mix shift, Kan said Japan will try to cut the cost of generating solar power to one-third of current levels by 2020 and one-sixth by 2030.